Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Extreme vanity?

I was watching a Dr. Wayne Dyer lecture on PBS yesterday and something he said is very relevant to me. He advised that you need to live in constant gratitude: when you see a dime on the street, you should pick it up and be grateful. You should not get irritated because it’s not a quarter.

I’ll readily admit that I am not always grateful for what I have. In particular, I feel inadequate because I do not work on Wall Street as a banker. My conversations this weekend with the hot banker have rekindled these somewhat latent feelings.

The point is, I know I am smart enough to be a banker, I’m just frustrated I haven’t tried harder to become one. Instead I work as a bean counter and try to stay conscious by consuming lots of Starbucks.

In previous posts I talked about how I hoped that I would begin to regain my ego, my “edge”. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s happening because I just don’t feel the drive to be an accountant or to work in the “back office”. Nevertheless, lots of good could come of this if I channel it into productive actions.

In the interest of living in a state of gratitude (and not extreme vanity!!) here’s a very short list of what I have to be thankful for regarding my current job situation:

  1. I have a job at an excellent bank
  2. My job pays well & I have excellent benefits
  3. The people I work with are extremely nice, not miserable, and I can tell they want me to be successful
  4. My hours are excellent – typically out by 6 or 6:30. If I use my time wisely this leaves me lots of time to focus on self-improving things that will help my career (and goal of being a banker) such as:
    1. Completing the CPA (February, 2007)
    2. Study hard for the GMAT and break 700 (August, 2007)
    3. Diligently prepare grad school applications (November, 2007)

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