Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas visit home

I went home this weekend for Christmas. It was a very nice time -- saw a few old friends, caused a little "trouble" in the woods, and spent a bunch of time with the family.

My grandmother is depressed. Her health is good (for 83) but all of her friends are dying. She lives in a huge house with my 92 year old grandfather. Today my Mom and I were talking about it and my Mom suggested that my grandmother take a mild anti-depressant. My reaction to this was: "yeah... why not??" Seriously, if an anti-depressant might make her less depressed, then why the hell not????

My Mom is sad that all of her kids have left the house. As much as parents don't want their kids to live with them forever, they also don't want them to move too far away either. My Mom would love nothing more than if all of her kids lived in the DC area and came over to the house a couple of nights per week. My Mom is only 55... she must be thinking: "what the hell do I do now?" She can retire from her job and do anything she wanted... but having had kids in the house for over 24 years, she doesn't have any idea what to do! I find this situation really sad.

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