Saturday, November 25, 2006


Since the age of 14 or so, I have been having sexual relationships with two friends from school. Each of which was purely sexual and never was there an emotional element. After all, we were straight!

One of the guys is now engaged to be married to a girl, the other one is living in Chicago and is still very closeted. I'll save the commentary about my friend who is getting married for another time.

From age 14 onward, until only about a couple of years ago, just about all of my sexual experiences were done in secret, and often in the woods. I remember how turned on I used to get by sneaking around... I still get a little bit of that thrill with one of these guys -- the one who lives in Chicago. For the last few years, we have hooked up over the holidays when we are both in town to visit our families. Usually, our activities are quite tame. This time however, we have been flirting over IM about doing other stuff.... So, this winter, I plan to have a Brokeback Mtn. style evening with an old friend... in the woods... I can't wait!!

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