Saturday, November 25, 2006

HS Friends

Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, a bunch of my high school friends and I get together to play football. By now, just about everybody from home knows that I am gay (expect my parents).

Maybe I'm being paranoid but I detected a slight change of behavior toward me from a couple of the guys. One in particular, put his arm around my shoulders after a good play. It seemed like he caught himself and awkwardly removed his hands... In another instance, someone refused my offer for water when he was obviously very thirsty.

If my suspicions are correct, I attribute their behavior to two things. 1) They are homophobic; and 2) They are not very self confident. I think it's probably a combination -- these guys have always had inferiority complexes for some reason.

I know that this behavior is harmless but it kind of confirms why I need to live in NYC (as opposed to a suburban area). Unfortunately, many straight guys get very uncomfortable around homos. Everybody is entitled to feel however they want, but in many cases, I think their discomfort is rooted in their own insecurities.

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