Saturday, October 14, 2006

Profile of "K"

This will be the first of (hopefully) many posts in which I profile a “cool” person I know.

To start, let’s discuss my friend K. He is gay, 33 years old and recently moved to NYC from a city in the Midwest. He works on Wall Street as a wealth manager at one of the most prestigious banks. He is very good looking and appears considerably younger than 33.

When I first met K about 10 months ago at a friend’s apartment, I was totally enamored. He chatted me up and asked me all sorts of questions. He really seemed to be interested too! Here I am thinking: “wow, this hot guy must be really into me!” As the weeks went by, we developed a really close friendship. Today, I would consider him one of my closest friends.

K is one of the friendliest, outgoing, tactful, yet (seemingly) genuine people I’ve ever met. He is nice and disarming to everybody he meets – the cleaning lady, the deli guy, tourists asking directions, corporate executives, beautiful people, ugly people, homeless people, etc., etc. It’s not surprising therefore, that he has no problem whatsoever meeting guys. Even if he is completely disinterested, he will look them in the eye, touch their shoulder and show interest. I guess it’s not surprising that he is so successful convincing wealthy people to place their money ($8 million minimum) in his care.

All of that stuff is not what makes him remarkable though… it’s his consistency. There is nobody I would rather spend time with because he is always fun. Even if he has had a bad day, he will laugh it off: “ha! Today sucked! Now let’s go get a drink! HAHAHA!” I think I have only seen him mad ONCE. Now, I am not someone that wears my feelings on my sleeve, but I will tell my friends if I’m in a bad mood or if something bad happened to me.

A deeper analysis of K will be the subject of a future post. I think that he certainly has some “issues” that he mostly keeps private. The public K is a people-magnet and I have tried to emulate his style with some success. To Be Continued…

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