Monday, September 18, 2006

Big Day In the Job Search

A lot happened today on the job-front:

Current Job: I found out today what my new salary will be and I was extremely disappointed. Given how strong the job market is for my industry, it is very hard to believe that they would be offering such a low amount. Do we work in "financial services" or not??? If the answer is yes -- and they claim we do -- then we are substantially underpaid.

Interviews for New Job: Today I went for my third interview at a major investment bank. I have been interviewing for a “back-office” position doing a combination of financial reporting and internal finance (budgets, projections, etc.)

There’s a lot that’s good about the job, but there are some negatives, too. For one thing, one of my best friends happens to work at the company and in the division. His role is definitely a lot more high profile and glamorous. He is nonetheless very supportive of me taking the job even though it could be a little bit weird. More on this later.

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